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Get Accredited
Friendly WiFi Approved Provider Symbol

The Symbol of Safety for MSP's, WiFi & Content Filtering Providers, IT Organisations


Friendly WiFi was developed in collaboration with some of the world’s largest WiFi providers, who not only support this initiative, but work closely on communicating Friendly WiFi to their customers and provide Friendly WiFi with ongoing technical support and policy guidance.


Because of the successful launch, the team introduced the Friendly WiFi 'Approved Provider' symbol. The symbol is available to suppliers of internet products and services who can evidence as part of their offering they are able to provide internet products or services to their customers which meet the Friendly WiFi content filtering specification.


Friendly WiFi works with a growing list of Approved Providers worldwide to introduce the seal of approval across their customer base, and to support providers by adding further value to their products. This includes giving them the ability to increase revenues by promoting Friendly WiFi to their Customers.


Friendly WiFi – It’s good to know.


Becoming an Approved Provider
is easy


The Friendly WiFi team will work with you to approve your company, ensuring it includes the ability to provide internet products or services to its customers which meet the Friendly WiFi content filtering specification.​ Once approved you will become a Friendly WiFi Approved Provider, able to display the Friendly WiFi symbol – proving you can offer your customers safe solutions.

There is no fee to become an Approved Provider 


Why you should become an  Approved Provider


  • Use of the Friendly WiFi ‘Approved Provider’ symbol on your websites and marketing material

  • Communicate your support of Friendly WiFi through your business and client channels  

  • Show your customers you can offer safe products and services which meet the Friendly WiFi content filtering specification

  • Become a technical partner supporting our network and customers and providing you business opportunities

  • Be part of our network of Approved Providers and assist our Friendly customers, allowing them to engage with new providers and services

  • Increase your revenues by promoting Friendly WiFi to your Customers and becoming a reseller - creating a value add to your WiFi proposition!

Friendly WiFi Approved Provider Symbol

Scroll to see some of our Approved Providers:

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