How partners BT WiFi can help you drive a great customer experience

We all know WiFi is about connectivity and customers expect this wherever they go to eat, shop, etc, but WiFi for you as a business should be so much more – this is where our partners BT WiFi come in.
It’s your brand above the door and the brand that your customers know and love so make sure that your WiFi reflects this. They will support you to deliver a fully branded customer experience to your customer which you can also design yourself via their self-service portal.
The first thing that your customers will see is your WiFi landing page. BT enable via their services, for you to promote your brand and social media channels. You can also advertise any special offers that you have which supports driving traffic to your website.
Quite simply, if you are investing in providing WiFi to your customers, make sure you are getting the most out of it. Partners BT WiFi have the experience, products, and services to help you achieve this with your own brand at the forefront. Find out more here.