Koala IT works with Friendly WiFi to certify their schools network

Friendly WiFi are proud to be working with Koala IT – an innovative and forward thinking ICT provider - specialising in providing services to schools and the education sector. Their approach to working with their clients inspired Friendly WiFi by demonstrating a professional and caring approach to online safety.
Koala IT provide a wide range of services to schools including WiFi and from the start they were passionate about being able to deliver a safe experience online to ensure that pupils and visitors were protected from exposure to indecent material. They achieve this by supplying a filtered WiFi service for their clients which includes the appropriate filters to block out indecent and inappropriate material.
By working with Friendly WiFi and becoming an Approved Provider, Koala IT have enabled their schools, who subscribe to their filtered WiFi solution, to become Friendly WiFi certified and show that they are providing a safe WiFi experience for all users.
Bev Smith, Director at Friendly WiFi supported this move and said “Schools are an environment where it is vital that a safe WiFi service is provided to ensure children and young adults are protected online. It is refreshing to work with Koala IT who are so passionate about online safety and who have been focussed on enabling the schools that they provide services to, to become Friendly WiFi certified.”
Bill Wicker, Director at Koala IT, said, “We at Koala IT are very conscious of the need to provide appropriate content filtering for the broadband and WiFi services that we supply to schools. With more and more cloud-based learning opportunities comes an increased need to ensure that no harmful content can be accessed. We are proud to be able to say that we are supported and certified by Friendly WiFi"
By enabling their schools to become Friendly WiFi certified, Koala IT are showing that they are providing a public WiFi service across their network that will filter out inappropriate content, including indecent images and advertisements, this provides confidence to teachers, parents and visitors that the services provided are safe for children to use.
For further information you can visit the Koala IT website here